Forum Discussion

ADS_PSI's avatar
6 years ago

How to override search page in custom page


How we can override search page in custom page and apply custom skin to it, also we want to restrict search form to search in that specific category.

  • Hi ADS_PSI ,

    You can create new custom page from studio -> page -> new. Give name of the page in "New Page Name" field to "SearchPage.custom". Add layout to any of the page layout or you can select one-column. in "Copy from page" field choose from "search page" this will copy the layout to custom search page.

    Then, Goto  "Admin -> Custom Pages" you can see the the new custom page and page name there select new page and save. You can also apply new skin to this layout.

    For restricting users to search within category.

    Only way to do this, You need to go into the user permissions of the category or board, and change the default user permissions for "See categories" or "Read Posts" to deny.