How to retrieve page number in freemarker?
On the community page, I have created a custom component that lists all of the messages for that board. I am using the default pagination extension and while it allows me to click to any page, the same results show on each page. So I need to incorporate the page offset into the SQLi.
I see the page number in the url...
Is there a way to access this page number with FreeMarker from the url or a context object?
This is what I'm starting with...
<#assign result_count = 25 />
<#assign pagination_offset = 0 />
// if page_number exists
<#assign pagination_offset =page_number * result_count />
// end if
<#assign recent_messages = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE IN ('${}') AND depth=0 ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT ${result_count} OFFSET ${pagination_offset}"?url).data.items />
I worked out my own answer...
Here is the code that worked for me. The"page") is the key.
<#assign result_count = 25 /> <#if"page") ??> <#assign page_number ="page")?number /> <#assign page_number = page_number - 1 /> <#else> <#assign page_number = 0 /> </#if> <#assign pagination_offset = page_number * result_count /> <#assign recent_messages = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE IN ('${}') AND depth=0 ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT ${result_count} OFFSET ${pagination_offset}"?url).data.items />