9 years agoExpert
How to retrieve recently updated messages using the Community API v2
I am migrating from Lithium Community API v1 to v2 and need to make REST HTTP calls to get the list of messages (and replies) recently updated or posted on the community. I am able to get the recently posted message and replies list by using this query:
SELECT * FROM messages WHERE post_time > 2016-04-18T10:04:30-08:00 AND post_time < 2016-04-19T22:04:30-08:00
For getting the recently updated list I need to query on the current_revision.last_edit_time. However as per the developer documentation we cannot include current_revision.last_edit_time in the where clause of the query.
Can someone please let me know if there is any other way to get the recently updated messages and replies in a community?