Forum Discussion

kiettuongwork's avatar
7 years ago

How to retrive info from query string and pass into component in Lithium

Hi Support Team,


I have tried to check how component in Lithium queries data for 4 pages above.

There is an issue need to get advise from Lithium support.


Once we access URL as below 

We want to get last part of URL in this case is "Reviews" and then pass that parameter to component name "recent-blog-posts"

And in component we will get parameter by using code as below

<#assign category ="category", "") />


  1. Where should check that component is used in admin of Lithium?
  2. How can we parse parameter from URL after /bg-p and then pass that parameter to component recent-blog-posts?
    1. 11112222
    2. Reviews
    3. LetsInspire
    4. NewAtDigi



      • SuzieH's avatar
        Khoros Alumni (Retired)

        Hi kiettuongwork,

        What are you trying to do with your recent-blog-posts component? What is the component's purpose? Is there a reason why you are choosing to pass these blogs by parsing the URL instead of using a call to the Community API via the rest FreeMarker context object? I'm wondering if there is an easier way to accomplish your task. 


        Have you seen either of these TKB articles?

        Building your first custom component - Note this article uses Community API v1

        Update a component from API v1 to v2  

  • I also tried as below code in component recent-blog-posts

    <#assign url = http.request.url />
    <#assign parts = url?split("/") />
    <#assign category = parts[(parts?size)-1] />
    Hello category ${category}


    You can see result at


    Hello category = recent-blog-posts?render_behavior=raw&page=1


    It should be Hello category = 11112222


    Could you please advise how to retrieve 11112222?



    • luk's avatar

      kiettuongwork there are several things you can try, I would do it as follows:


          assuming URL:
          with the goal to extract the number at the end, e.g. 11112222
      <#assign url = http.request.url />
      <#-- first split away any URL parameters, that's the stuff after a question mark "?" what you seem to want is a url-path element, basically what we want is everything before a possible question mark -->
      <#assign urlparts = url?split("?")?first />
      <#-- we then split that first part at every slash "/" -->
      <#assign urlparts = url?split("?")?first?split("/") />
      <#-- and eventually select just the last bit of that sequence to get what you want -->
      <#assign urlparts = url?split("?")?first?split("/")?last />
      <#-- of course you do not need to do that assignment 3 times, once is enough, e.g. like this: -->
      <#assign urlparts = url?split("?")?first?split("/")?last />

      hope it helps!


      PS: The link to your stage instance of Lithium is blocked by .htaccess, therefore nobody can see your demo-links

      • kiettuongwork's avatar

        I have tried them but could not work. You may need review my previous comments to see