Forum Discussion

allensmith81's avatar
7 years ago

How to set a SSO Cookie from a 3rd party site

Hi all,

We have a scenario where we want to log a user in to the community who is already logged into another of our sites, it uses a different auth end point.

It looks like we could probably do this using a bounce url but its not clear in any of the documentation I have read how you would set this SSOCookie.

Has anyone else tried to do this?

The objective here is to make it so one the user has logged in with us once, and we have a community oauth code, then even if they go to another machine as long as they login to the other site then will be authenticated without a further login on the community. 

    • allensmith81's avatar

      It does a little but the other problem here is that the primary site supports an auth type that we dont. As a result 2/3 users would be logged straight in and 1/3 would be asked to login again.

      • allensmith81's avatar

        I wish we could log someone in via the API and return a web session cookie from an API call..

        That would solve this issue.