How to Subscribe to some to Community Event?
I am trying to subscribe to UserUpdate event as per the following article-
After following the instructions, my url becomes-
And when I make an Http callout using this url, I get "Page Not Found Response"
But when I use the following URL to register to User Update event i.e. without tennant-
I get the exact response which is given in the documentation, so I assumed that I have subscribed to UserUpdate event-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<response status="success">
<value type="string">e73e395b-bca6-4d90-8956-cff93d20828e</value>
(The above ID is obviously different in my case case)
But when I make some update in my User from the community, my event does not get captured and callback URL is not called as a response.
Kindly guide, what I am doing wrong.