Forum Discussion

Inactive User's avatar
Inactive User
11 years ago

How to tell if a post has comments disabled via Rest API?

Is this possible? I don't see anything immediately through the REST API but is there another way? Thanks

  • AdamN's avatar
    11 years ago

    Hi jlutterloh,


    You're correct, each message returned via the REST API has a "read_only" element which corresponds to whether the message has had "Block New Replies/Comments" set for it. When you select "Block New Replies" in the UI, each message in the discussion will have their "read_only" property set to true.


    You can also get this value directly for a message:


  • Inactive User's avatar
    Inactive User
    Well, that makes sense... It appears the read_only signifies this or not. Can someone confirm as a double-check?
    • AdamN's avatar
      Khoros Oracle

      Hi jlutterloh,


      You're correct, each message returned via the REST API has a "read_only" element which corresponds to whether the message has had "Block New Replies/Comments" set for it. When you select "Block New Replies" in the UI, each message in the discussion will have their "read_only" property set to true.


      You can also get this value directly for a message:
