Forum Discussion

wmertens's avatar
12 years ago

How to use metadata with the REST API?

We're using endpoints to write metadata with calls like


and I'd love to search on those with calls like


but I'm actually not getting any results with that call. If I try to retrieve the metadata value with



then I just get a 303 permission denied error.


However, if you have custom tags enabled you can search for metadata with the key 'modbar.<customtag>' and it works.


So is there a permissions model for metadata? Can you set certain keys to be readable/writeable by users?

    • wmertens's avatar

      Hi Scott,


      When I do /restapi/vc/posts/for/metadata/id/cisco.ispublishable/value/true I get error 502 invalid path element, and when I do /restapi/vc/posts/for/metadata/key/cisco.ispublishable/value/true I get 0 results. There is at least one message that has it set.


      When I use a number instead of cisco.ispublishable in that first call I get error 101 No metadata with the specified uid, I don't know what the id of that key is.