Forum Discussion

Claudius's avatar
9 years ago

Identifying partially completed profiles

I'm currently investigating the use of deferred profile completion, e.g. auto-create partially completed community profiles based on our SSO login. The problem here is that some of our custom components require profile information - display name in particular - that is only available on completed user profiles .

I'm currently looking for ways to detect if a user's profile is only partially completed and I'm checking the registration completed property.


It tried to identify via the user Freemarker context object and checking for

 user.anonymous == false && user.registered == false


(since I expected an incompleted profile to be non-anonymous, but not registered yet), but unfortunately a partially registered user is user.registered :(


Anyone knows a different - ideally non-API reliant - way to determine that partially registered profile status?

  • It was easier than I thought. Just check if the name is already populated:

    <#if user.login != "">


  • luk's avatar
    9 years ago

    I successfully used also:

    <#if (!user.anonymous && !user.registration.complete)>
        // your logic

    not sure if user.login is reliable =), but as often there are many ways to solve a problem!

  • It was easier than I thought. Just check if the name is already populated:

    <#if user.login != "">


    • luk's avatar

      I successfully used also:

      <#if (!user.anonymous && !user.registration.complete)>
          // your logic

      not sure if user.login is reliable =), but as often there are many ways to solve a problem!

      • Thanks for sharing this. If "user.registration.complete" would've been documented I might have found this as well :) Where did you get that info from?