Forum Discussion

Kev_B's avatar
7 years ago

Incorporating jQuery plugins

Just wondering if anybody's had success incorporating jQuery plugins with community? I had to use a newer version of jQuery in no conflict mode in one instance, but then when I tried using a different plugin, it should've worked with the jQuery version within community, however it was acting as if the function hadn't been declared, no matter whether I added the script and referenced it, or wrote the code directly with the liaAddScript directive.

I'm just wondering if anybody has had success using plugins, and could maybe recommend a slider / carousel plugin that they know works with the jQuery version being used by community.

Thanks :smileyhappy:

1 Reply

  • Hi Kev_B

    To point you in the right direction I would recommend using the console of your browser to grab the version of jQurey your community is using. You can do this with the jQuery().jquery command.

    On the Lithosphere and the MYOB communities, the version is 1.8.3 which makes me presume that this is the standard library version for most if not all communities.

    For a start, I did a Google search for "carousel jquery 1.8.3" and found the following:

    Hope that helps.