Forum Discussion

nicolasdarmadja's avatar
11 years ago

Incorrect search result using date parameter

I'm doing a search to count the number of messaes for a certain period of time. I am using the method as specified in this previous question: 



This is the format of the query that I used:

"" + start + "%20TO%" + end + "%5D&collapse_discussion=false"


Im querying this from java and I keep modifying the start and end date to get the weekly trend of number of posts.


However the result that I get is totally different than the ones I get from the administrator page. This is the result that I get from my query


Now is 2014-06-20
Total of messages on this week : 110
Now is 2014-06-13
Total of messages on this week : 203
Now is 2014-06-06
Total of messages on this week : 342
Now is 2014-05-30
Total of messages on this week : 429
Now is 2014-05-23
Total of messages on this week : 530
Now is 2014-05-16
Total of messages on this week : 631
Now is 2014-05-09
Total of messages on this week : 753
Now is 2014-05-02
Total of messages on this week : 866
Now is 2014-04-25
Total of messages on this week : 934
Now is 2014-04-18
Total of messages on this week : 1049


Since the number keeps increasing while the starting date is getting older, I suspect that the date parameters to limit the search result does not work properly.


Any thoughts on where I went wrong? 

Thank you!

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