tmarshall I'm far from being an expert, so the below might not be correct!
I would first advise you to have a go without Informatica. Curl is probably the easiest way to start:
curl “<community_id>?fromDate=YYYYMMDDhhmm&to...” –H “client-id: <client-id>” –u “<token>:”
If your instance is not in EMEA, then the command will be:
curl “<community_id>?fromDate=YYYYMMDDhhmm&toDat...” –H “client-id: <client-id>” –u “<token>:”
Use a tiny date range for your tests as you will see you will pull tons of data.
The command lines have been truncated, please refer to our Bulk API guide.
Once it's working fine, move to Informatica. I'm not sure why you would need to install a certificate as the calls are made using https. But, if Informatica insists of you installing a certificate, just get the Lithium one. Try this command line:
openssl s_client -connect
or, if in the US
openssl s_client -connect