Forum Discussion

lilim's avatar
9 years ago

Inherited components in responsive skin wrapper

We use two different skins in our community, and when viewing one of the skin's wrappers I see that the Page Header/Footer and Page Hitbox Content are being inherited from the other skin. However, the Page Head Bottom Content is not being inherited from the main skin. I'm told that this is where a lot of the work is done when the dev team is working on the wrapper, so it would be great to not have to just have to update one skin.


Is there any way to do that -- to inherit the Page Head Bottom Content from another skin? Is there any documentation on how this is done?



  • If you go to the Properties Tab you will see a field "Based on" which tells you what is the parent skin. I think  what you want to do is hit Use Default button under Page Head Bottom - that should delete the one you have in this particular skin and use the parent's instead.

6 Replies

  • lilim's avatar
    9 years ago

    There is content within the Page Head Bottom area, but updating it from our main skin does not update the secondary skin. All of the other wrapper components I mentioned have the note "This component does not exist in this skin, it is being inherited" whereas Page Head Bottom does not state this.

  • KaelaC's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    9 years ago

    That probably means that your child skin has a "Page Header Bottom" set and is blocking the inheritance. In Studio, do you have anything in Page Header Bottom?

  • lilim's avatar
    9 years ago

    Yes, the child skin has content in Page Head Bottom. If I remove the content, will it inherit the content from the parent skin? How does it even know which is the parent skin? We have 6 skins under "custom skins" right now in Studio.


    Thank you!

  • KaelaC's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    9 years ago

    If you go to the Properties Tab you will see a field "Based on" which tells you what is the parent skin. I think  what you want to do is hit Use Default button under Page Head Bottom - that should delete the one you have in this particular skin and use the parent's instead.