Forum Discussion

gnilron's avatar
10 years ago

Inject custom badges by rest-api?


I have a bunch of badge-related questions:


Is it possible to add a badge to a user by a rest-api call? Like, adding badges on external activites the user does external to Lithium.


Is it possible to combine external api injected badges with more traditional Lithium achivement based badges? May they co-exist?


Is it possible to host the badge images outside of Lithium?


Thanks // Torben

  • gnilron


    1- Yes, this is possible. This might not be the best way, but you could:

    a- create a role (e.g. ToughMudder)

    b- create your badge with a role based rule (e.g. user has ToughMudder role)

    c- assign the role (e.g. ToughMudder) using the rest-api 


    2- Yes (if I understood correctly the question!)


    3- Yes, it is, check the badge documentation here:


    Tip: Alternatively, you can click Enter a URL... and enter the address for an image that is hosted externally, without needing to upload your images in Studio.



1 Reply

  • OlivierS's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    10 years ago



    1- Yes, this is possible. This might not be the best way, but you could:

    a- create a role (e.g. ToughMudder)

    b- create your badge with a role based rule (e.g. user has ToughMudder role)

    c- assign the role (e.g. ToughMudder) using the rest-api 


    2- Yes (if I understood correctly the question!)


    3- Yes, it is, check the badge documentation here:


    Tip: Alternatively, you can click Enter a URL... and enter the address for an image that is hosted externally, without needing to upload your images in Studio.