Forum Discussion

jamis0n's avatar
11 years ago

Integrating Lithium Events With Analytics Services

I'm interested in sending community events to my analtytics platform for tracking various community metrics, such as posts, replies, kudos, etc...


I've searched the developer docs, but the only solution I can find is the REST API, which involves sending this data server side via my callback URL.


Is there anyway to hook into these events clientside with an event listener?


Perhaps something like this:


LITHIUM.on('MessageCreate', function(event) {
  // Do some logic and send to Google Analytics...


1 Reply

  • PaoloT's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    Hi jamis0n 


    you can hook into some of these events from Freemarker using the Activity Context Object. You can also look into the clientside object LITHIUM.CommunityJsonObject which contains useful information for web analytics. Other than that, you may need to create custom javascript to trigger as needed depending on your what you need to track.


    If you are not sure on how to proceed, you can always get in touch with Lithium Professional Services for a review of your requirements and scope up the relevant work.

