Forum Discussion

CarolineS's avatar
6 years ago

Integration with Acclaim? (for badges)

Just curious, has anyone integrated with Acclaim?  https😕/

We had a community member ask if our community badges were compatible with that, and I believe that the answer is "no" (unless we do some integration work). True?

1 Reply

  • CarolineS "compatible" is unlikely 😃, but an integration might be possible. Do you use Acclaim for product certification badges or something similar? How would you like the workflow to look like? From a quick scan over the Acclaim website I see there is a badge-expiry... this is currently something that is not possible with Lithium. I just finished a certification platform integration for one of our customers that also integrates with Lithium badges... the big problem is that badges are quite "stiff", e.g. let's say you link a Lithium role with a badge: The badge gets earned when the role is assigned, but it does not get removed when the role is removed, it has to be MANUALLY revoked for each individual user (AND you have to go to the users badge-page, click on the badge and click revoke...) because there is no API support for revoking badges... Please upvote here if you think that should be changed 😃...and let me know if you guys need any help with such an integration.