Forum Discussion
7 years agoAdept
Thanks for quick reply.
I've tried as you suggested. I'm getting below error.
<response status="error">
<error code="302">
User authentication failed.
7 years agoBoss
vmalla -
Below is postman collection file. Save this file as .json and import it on POSTMAN tool. After importing the file just update the URL and credentials.
{ "variables": [], "info": { "name": "DEMO TEST", "_postman_id": "e2e70e34-333c-7fd3-59a1-9489427af7de", "description": "", "schema": "" }, "item": [ { "name": "API0AuthV1", "request": { "url": { "raw": "https://community.url/restapi/vc/authentication/sessions/login?user.login=USERNAME&user.password=PASSWORD", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "community", "demo", "com" ], "path": [ "restapi", "vc", "authentication", "sessions", "login" ], "query": [ { "key": "user.login", "value": "USERNAME", "equals": true, "description": "" }, { "key": "user.password", "value": "PASSWORD!", "equals": true, "description": "" } ], "variable": [] }, "method": "GET", "body": {}, "description": "" }, "response": [] } ] }
- vmalla7 years agoAdept
Hi TariqHussain,
I'm still getting the same response !!
302 if I use get and 'Invalid Cross-Origin Request.' if I use post method.
- TariqHussain7 years agoBoss
vmalla - Please confirm your username and password. It's your credential issue.
- luk7 years agoBoss
Same happens if you just enter the GET url into the browser address field and request it without the Postman extension?
- vmalla7 years agoAdept
Yes, If I use get request then I'm getting 302 error.
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