Forum Discussion

jc758's avatar
14 years ago

Invite form component



I'm a newbie in Lithium so it's my first post (and not the last I think ;) ).


Looking to an 'invite a peer to the community' component,
i found right in the middle of the pages the 'Invite Page' , which contains the invite-form component

(<component id="invite-form"/>)

unfortunatly , when i embed this component in a page, it throws me an error...(Exception ID: 7CA03798)


Is this component depreciated or do I need to activate a feature somewhere (or ask my csm...)  or must i create a custom component?


thanx per advance

4 Replies

  • TreyW's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    13 years ago

    Hi JC, 


    Welcome to Lithium!  


    Sounds like this is an issue with placing a component on a page it won't work on.  That component should only work on the InvitePage and it unfortunately won't work on a custom page.  We're actually working on implementing a better way to let you know when a component won't play nice on a quilt instead of the current situation (exception).  

  • jc758's avatar
    13 years ago

    Hi Trey


    thanx for you answer.

    Any idea how i can find this Invite Page (is there a predefined url as for custom pages ( /t5/custom/page/page-id/pagename) to have a look on it ) ?



