Forum Discussion

kgroneman's avatar
7 years ago

Is a teaser from multiple TKBs possible?

I'm not a developer but I'd like to know if it's possible to create a teaser custom content box from multiple TKBs?    We currently have the following code to provide a teaser for a single blog that I could probably change to pull from a single TKB but I need content from multiple TKBs:

<#-- Blog teaser   v4-->
<#-- change the "" in the query to focus on a different blog/board  -->
<#include "message-macros"/>
<#assign qry = "SELECT id, view_href,, author.view_href, author.login, subject, teaser, body, post_time, post_time_friendly,,, board.title, board.view_href, current_revision.last_edit_time FROM messages WHERE = 'blog' AND'sws-571'ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT 5" />
<#assign messages = executeLiQLQuery(qry) />
<#if messages?size gt 0>

<#assign brd = messages[0] />
<div class="lia-panel lia-panel-standard  custom-component-blogteaser">
						<div class = "lia-panel-content-wrapper">
							<div class="lia-panel-content">
								<#list messages as msg>
								<a href="${getFieldValue(msg.view_href)}" target="_top">
							            <li> <h3 style='display:inline'>-  ${getFieldValue(msg.subject)}  </h3></a>  <p style='display:inline'> &nbsp;&nbsp; By:   ${getFieldValue(}</p> </li>

  • kgroneman

    Yes, it can be done for multiple TKBs/blogs/boards. You can use "IN" query to pass the multiple TKB boards in a single query. Like this

    SELECT id FROM messages WHERE = 'tkb' AND IN ('sws-571','sws-999', 'sws-777')ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT 5


1 Reply

  • kgroneman

    Yes, it can be done for multiple TKBs/blogs/boards. You can use "IN" query to pass the multiple TKB boards in a single query. Like this

    SELECT id FROM messages WHERE = 'tkb' AND IN ('sws-571','sws-999', 'sws-777')ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT 5