6 years agoBoss
is_draft does not appear to be working in APIv2
Hi all,
I have been churning on this for a wee while now and cant seem to figure out what is wrong. I posting the follow JSON in an APIv2 Create call but the is_draft seems to be getting ignored as the posts gets posted.
Can you see something I am doing wrong here?
{ "data": { "type": "message", "subject": "My Blog Article", "body": "<html>\n <body>\n <p>Some random text that I am using for demoing my JSON</p>\n </body>\n</html>", "board": { "id": "MyBlog" }, "teaser": "Also some random teaser text", "is_draft": true, "author": { "id": "75284" } } }
Some values have been changed to protect the content i.e - Subject, Body and teaser but everything else is as its passed into the API Call.