Forum Discussion

Tim_h's avatar
11 years ago

Is it possible to execute an endpoint from another user?

Hey guys,


Is it at all possible to execute an endpoint using API V1 or V2 so the requests made in the endpoint come from a different user.


IE I have an endpoint that edits a post using restadmin to change the labels of the post.

This shows the post as edited by the user with access to the endpoint.


I would like the endpoint to run as a designated user.

I.e : User X makes a post about bacon.

User Y ( a super user) uses a custom component to assign a label to the topic.

The post now shows as from User X, last edited by User Y.


This can result in user X messaging user Y "I dont know who you are, but why did you edit my post?".




User X makes a post about bacon.

User Y ( a super user still) uses a custom component to assign a label to someone else's topic.

The post now shows as not edited, OR shows as edited by User Z (a user with a bot sounding name).


So possible to do?

I REALLY REALLY cannot stress how much I don't want to have to rebuild this using something other than labels....




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