Forum Discussion

cstone's avatar
8 years ago

Is it possible to keep "Override Skin CSS URL" enabled after running 'li submit-plugin'?

When I run 'li submit plugin', the option to "Override Skin CSS URL" within Studio becomes deselected. Is there a flag or configuration to allow this option to stay enabled when submitting the plugin...
  • RobertT's avatar
    8 years ago

    cstone Unfortunately there isn't, I understand the reasoning behind that behaviour however as you want the skin to recompile server side and to ensure that once it has done it loads properly.


    There have been some inconsistencies experienced in the past between what you see when you're serving the skin locally to what the server compiles, last thing you'd want is to forget it is checked and deploy changes to your production environment only to realise that the server side compiled version of the skin has a bug or two in it that you didn't see on the local skin.