Forum Discussion

Jake_N's avatar
7 years ago

Is there a local version of Studio we can view things on?

Hey guys. Is there a way we can view the SDK studio plugin locally before submitting the plugin to the studio environment. I have a VMWare Linux CentOS environment but each change can take up to 5-10 mins to submit depending on the day.

Are there any suggestions? Otherwise, I will keep editing things directly into the Studio user interface, which takes just as long to save things.

  • Jake_N  -

    Unfortunately, you can not view the changes before submitting the plugin, you must need to submit in order to view changes. However, you can view the CSS changes without submitting the plugin. 

    • Jake_N's avatar

      Are you able to point me to the source where I can view the CSS changes locally?

      • luk's avatar

        Jake_N Besides making Lithium look for your locally compiled CSS in Studio (as TariqHussain wrote above) you will need to tell the SDK to serve/compile the SASS with

        li serve-sass

        that is because your skin usually depends on other skins (e.g. responsive peak, base, whatever) that you do not automatically download with

        li export-studio-plugin
        // or
        li export-plugin

        see here:{"p":"%2Fsection-developerguide.html","h":"%23localSkinDev"}

        To speed up the time it takes to submit the plugin, I would recommend you to only export the stuff you often work on, e.g. limit the plugin points as much as you can, the more is inside the plugin each time it is submitted, the longer it takes...this can be done with the points flag, e.g.

        li export-studio-plugin --points "skin,component,macro"

        if you want to keep track of everything with version control I'd advise you to create a separate "develop" branch where you to the above, within the "master" branch or "full" branch you can have a complete export of studio still... but limiting your plugin points will help a bit with the speed you say, it doesn't make much of a difference if you save trough studio or submit an SDK plugin, both are painfully slow...

        Guess you know the SDK docs already, but here they are anyways =):