Hi bhupen ,
That was a snippet of code outlining the logic. You are supposed to loop through the api variable. The below is a working one , though I have changed the REST call.
<#assign totalCount = 12000/>
<#assign itemsPerPage = 1000 />
<#assign noOfPages = (12000/itemsPerPage) />
<#list 1..noOfPages as pageNum>
<#assign getUser = rest("/threads/recent?page=${pageNum}&page_size=10").threads />
<#list getUser.thread as thread>
${pageNum} ${thread.@href} ${thread_index}
Again , I would not advise that this is the efficient way to do it. I will let you know if I come up with a better way to do it. You could always contact Lithium support and get their idea on this.