Forum Discussion

nrajesh's avatar
8 years ago

Is there any way to add unique/hidden field to message from REST API


Am posting messages in particular board from REST API. Messages might have same SUBJECT line (can post from Application / REST API), from these how can i identify which one is created from REST API. Is there any field to find it. Or can we set any customized field, if yes please tell me how to do it.

  • You could get a new field added to the message then write to it when creating via API, you could then use that custom field to power a custom component to display a flag or something when the field is true etc. 


    Support will be able to help with the custom field. 

    • VikasB's avatar

      Hi nrajesh  Yes, lithium support can add an additional field to message API which can be used as a flag.  

      Or you can use another workaround to get it without adding any additional field.  I would say when posting the message through API, you can add a label/tag which can be used to identify the messages posted through rest API. 

     [id] /messages/post


      tag.add (optional)string the tags to be added to the message, with each tag separated by a comma. For example: tag.add=tag1,tag2
      label.labels (optional)string The labels for the message, each label separated by a comma. For example: label.labels=label1,label2
      • nrajesh's avatar


        Hi VikasB,

        I have created message with below given data, that also its throwing error,


        Method : POST

        URL :

        Headers: Content-Type - application/json
                        client-id - asdasdasdasd
                        Authorization - Bearer dfdsfsdfsd

        Data :
                            "data": {
                                    "type": "message",
                                    "subject": "hello world",
                                    "body": "this is a message post.",
                                    "board": {
                                        "id": "abcdiscussions"

                                   "labels":"test1, test2"



        {"status":"error","message":"Unable to parse the required Content-Body from the request.","data":{"type":"error_data","code":308,"developer_message":"'labels' object does not contain a 'list_item_type' property, which is required for lists.","more_info":""},"metadata":{}}




        Note: One more thing, which call can we use for REST API ( OR

