Forum Discussion

peterlu's avatar
14 years ago

Issue with Studio and Forum

Just noted, while updating some CSS within our theme that our Studio and Forum front end have started rendering lots of weird strings in place or labels and text.


Please see attached screenshot


Is anyone seen this? Some sort of debug mode??


3 Replies

  • peterlu's avatar
    14 years ago
    Thanks I found the option to turn it back on. Man that is very odd. Especially when it happens in the actual Studio itself.
  • AdamN's avatar
    Khoros Oracle
    14 years ago

    The "Text Editing" mode of our newer Toolbelt feature has definitely made the "Show Text Keys" feature a lot less necessary, though it can still come in handy from time to time. If you're going to click "Show Text Keys", I'd definitely reccomend leaving a tab open to the page so that it's easy to disable it.