Forum Discussion

anmi's avatar
2 years ago

json query syntax matches AND OR


I cannot find the full json query syntax documentation here. Thats wha I'm asking in this post:

How does a json based query look like for AND matches in body text. I want to query all posts containing term1 AND term2 in their body.


My query currently is this. How do I add the term2?

"body":{ "matches":"term1" },
"sorts": [
"post_time desc"

3 Replies

  • Hi anmi,

    Could you please try the below format,

    "body":{ "matches":"term1" },
    "body":{ "matches":"term2" },
    "sorts": [
    "post_time desc"

  • Akenefick's avatar
    2 years ago

    SyedSa I was really struggling with something very similar trying to match multiple labels with an AND logic with a JSON query. Easy to do with regular LiQL but could not get it to work with JSON. This worked great. Thanks!

  • SyedSa Does the second matches constraint need that 'depth': 0? If so, why?