Forum Discussion

Beryllium's avatar
12 years ago

Just FYI - can't find the docs

I'm new to lithium and I want to point out that I cannot even find the documentation for the restapi


I see it referenced all ovr the forum, but I'll be damned if I can actually find a link to it anywhere. Maybe this should be easier?

  • I clicked on resources at the bottom of the page... that didn't seem to be it... bunch of noise on whitepapers.

    • Beryllium's avatar

      OK, I found it by clicking the developer nation link at the bottom.  After finding it always seems so easy. I was actually scanning for documentaiton or somehting similar. In the forums it should be more accessible. 

      • Beryllium's avatar

        And then only to find out that actually clicking "Rest API Documentation" [sic] (rest is supposed to be capitalized) then I'm brought to another forum with no apparant documentation after all. *sigh*


        Maybe I'm supposed to look for the javadocs? Seems to be a pdf ...  in a post

    • JeffSp's avatar
      Lithium Alumni (Retired)
      In the black nav bar above, click "dev nation" and select "developer kb". You 'll see the docs there.

      BTW, we're likely to roll out some new api and developer docs in the near future that are easier to find and use.
      • I don't see a "developer kb". I see development knowledge base, but they're just a bunch of forums and no actual documentation