Forum Discussion

ikhwanb's avatar
10 years ago

Kudos number showing twice

Hi all,


I am facing an issue with kudos where the kudos number will show twice after I clicked it. It only happen on mobile not on desktop browsing.

Please advice how can I resolve this. Thanks a lot.


  • hi ikhwanb

    by any chance, were you trying to make the desktop responsive?


    If so, i've a feeling it might be due to this:


    KudosCountLabel.kudos.title@device:mobile          = {0,choice,0<{0}|999<1K+}
    KudosCountLabel.kudos.title                        = {0,choice,0#Kudos|1#Kudo|1< Kudos}



    try changing this


     KudosCountLabel.kudos.title@device:mobile  = {0,choice,0#Kudos|1#Kudo|1< Kudos}

    Hope that helps ... otherwise, recommend logging a Support ticket to take a deeper dive

2 Replies

  • JasonL's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    10 years ago

    hi ikhwanb

    by any chance, were you trying to make the desktop responsive?


    If so, i've a feeling it might be due to this:


    KudosCountLabel.kudos.title@device:mobile          = {0,choice,0<{0}|999<1K+}
    KudosCountLabel.kudos.title                        = {0,choice,0#Kudos|1#Kudo|1< Kudos}



    try changing this


     KudosCountLabel.kudos.title@device:mobile  = {0,choice,0#Kudos|1#Kudo|1< Kudos}

    Hope that helps ... otherwise, recommend logging a Support ticket to take a deeper dive