Labels widget doesn't show anything on CommunityPage
Probably I'm doing something wrong or miss something completely, but I have problems getting the labels.widget.labels-list studio component to display something on the community page, thought that may have to do with the scope of the page where the widget is displayed, e.g. it has to be a blog, forum, idea page etc., but the Studio Components PDF says about this compoenent:
"Displays a list of labels and the number of posts that use that label scoped to the blog, forum TKB, idea exchange, Q&A,
or contest being viewed. Clicking on a label displays the associated post page (for example, the TKB Article Page) filtered
to show only posts with the selected label.
Use this component on the Community Page, category pages, and pages relating to blogs, forums, TKBs, ideas, Q&As,
and contests"
And: On a forum page for example, the same widget shows the appropriate labels that are attached to forum posts...
So my question would be if that is maybe a bug or if I have to consider something else to make this work?
Thanks for any advice!