Forum Discussion

CKummer's avatar
9 years ago

Link to reply in (email notification

Hi there,


both in an email-notification and in notifications which one can see in the community in the user's profil there is a link which leads me to the thread which has been answered. But as far as I can see it links not to the specific reply which is mentioned in the notification, just to the general thread.


My question is, is it possible to set up the notification in that way, that it links directly to the reply?


Thx for any help


  • DougS's avatar
    9 years ago

    Hi Christoph,



    It looks like the link in that email does in fact lead you to the reply (not the topic message in the thread) -- here is the URL that is in that email:



    Is there another email where this is happening? If so, could you paste an example of that one in (or let me know what the name of the email template is (look in the text editor tab in studio)?





  • Hi Doug,


    oh yes you're absolutely right. Sometime I'm blind and I've mixed it up with another case. #facepalm

    Here you get the notification because you have been mentioned and Lithium is able to link to that specific reply.


    The case I've thought of is getting a notification just because a user (or more user) has replied (without a mention) to a post. 

    And here it's obvious that the system can't link to a specific reply, because there is no. 


    Thx anyway. Next time I will think twice before I'll post. :) 


  • DougS's avatar
    Khoros Oracle

    Hi Christoph,


    What is the email you are not seeing a link to the reply message? Would you mind pasting in an example of an email you receive where it links to the thread, but not to the reply message? Based on that, I should be able to find out if a link to the reply message can be added.


    As far as the in-app notifications go, there is currently no way to link directly to the reply message.



    • CKummer's avatar

      Hi DougS


      thx for your reply. Here is a copy of an email I've received: 


      "Hallo SMT_Chris,

      dg2210 (Autor ?) hat dich in einem Beitrag erwähnt! Klinke dich doch gleich mal in die Unterhaltung ein:

      Re: Betreff: Mouseover-Text "Danke"



      Datei anbei.


      Die andere Sache (kudos bei benachrichtung) erscheint, wenn man ein "Danke" erhält, wärend man eingeloggt. dann schicbt sich ein "popover" von rechts in das Fenster und sagt "Kudo erhalten", das geht schneller, als ich einen screenshot machen kann.


      Viele Grüße
      dein Social-Media-Team

      PS: Du findest uns auch unter und

      Das ist eine automatisch generierte E-Mail. Bitte nicht darauf antworten.
      Möchtest du in Zukunft keine E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen mehr bekommen, kannst du dieses in deinem Konto unter „Benachrichtigungen“ ändern.




      • DougS's avatar
        Khoros Oracle

        Hi Christoph,



        It looks like the link in that email does in fact lead you to the reply (not the topic message in the thread) -- here is the URL that is in that email:



        Is there another email where this is happening? If so, could you paste an example of that one in (or let me know what the name of the email template is (look in the text editor tab in studio)?



