11 years agoMentor
List of TAGS
When I post a discussion, I am asked to select a 'Add Tags'
What is the Rest API call to retrieve a list of tags that are available on the Lithium site
When I post a discussion, I am asked to select a 'Add Tags'
What is the Rest API call to retrieve a list of tags that are available on the Lithium site
Hi @barryhoffman ,
Please take a look at the below call. It return a list of weighted tags formed by grouping the tag events in this tagging context by tag, weighting the group by the count of the number of tag events in the group, and ordered by the tag text ascending.
You can find more details about the call here
Hope that helps.
Hi Sam,
I implemented your suggestion, but for some reason it only returns 25 instead of all of them.
Is there a setting somewhere in Lithium cobfiguration that only allows to return 25 entries.
I am experiencing the same limit problems with my search results of posts.
Kind Regards
Darryn Hart
you may want to include pagination parameters in your calls, for exmaple
page_size : to determine the size of the page
page : to indicate which page to look at
Hope it helps,