Forum Discussion

Inactive User's avatar
Inactive User
8 years ago

Lithium Angular Node documentation is either missing or really really hard to find! ng:li-nodes

I'd like to find out ANY information about this sort of thing:


<component id="ng:li-nodes-core-node-info" show-description="true" show-title="true" show-icon="false"/>

<component id="ng:li-nodes-community-title"/>

A search for "ng:li-nodes-core-node-info" has zero results. 


In fact, I'd love to find any information about Lithium Angular at all ...


Is there any information on Lithium's Angular components or is this yet another bit of Lithium we have to guess at and hope we're lucky? ;)


C'mon guys, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT!! (and make it easy to find!)

  • SuzieH's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)

    Ian, I think the component you're seeing is an alias of our Node Details component. You'll see documentation for that in Studio. I'm not sure why you are seeing the alias. Possibly because you are not yet on Responsive Skin 2.0.


    You can choose whether to display the node title and/or the node-type icon by setting the show-title and show-icon parameters in the quilt XML view to true or false, as needed. The icon will be the icon defined in the skin Sass. The title is the title of the node as defined in Community Admin.


    That said, when I put this on a responsive quilt (ForumPage.quilt.xml), I am not seeing it render. Maybe AdamA could help understand if there are caveats for where and how to use this.