Thanks for your time and the detailed response you provided.
I looked into a random topic on our site and have provided my findings below. I noticed that 4 of the words (error, hatch, pdf, Spaces, window) don't appear on the page at all yet are included in the meta data keywords.
Also, ACA an acronym for AutoCAD Architecture appears under the reccomendations component but does not appear in the topic. This leads me to believe that a) the meta keywords for the page are being influenced by the components on the right or b) there is inteligant logic in Lithium core that has dtermined that ACA is an acronym for AutoCAD Architecture.
1.) 0 keywords
2.) 0 keywords
3.) 0 keywords
4.) 0 tags
5.) ?
The topic I used was Attached are the screenshots from the Community, Category and Board properties.
Structural Location: Autodesk Community > AutoCAD Architecture > AutoCAD Architecture General > How to do Publishing in 2014
Meta Data: <metaname="keywords"content="2012, ACA, architecture, autocad, Autocad Architecture, error, hatch, pdf, Spaces, window”/>
Could you explain what you mean by "walking up the node structure?"
Would it be possible to access the recommendations commponent links via the API? If we sent the API a topic ID could we get recieve five related IDs?