Forum Discussion

lswpersi's avatar
12 years ago

Lithium integration with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn

I tried searching for some document or thread which can tell how to integrate lithium box with facebook or twitter or linkedIn. Can somebody guide me or tell me where can I find corresponding detail and also any document telling step by step procedure to achieve the same.



  • PaoloT's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)

    Hi lswpersi,


    to ensure we can help you better, what are you aiming to achieve in detail? There are several integrations available: for example have a look at the following documentation for facebook connect which explains what are the options available based on your situation.





    • lswpersi's avatar

      Thank you for you reply...


      Link you provided isn't working, actually I want lithium box to be able to listen to configured twitter handles and also if I reply on that conversation it should go ahead to that handle.

      For facebook I should be able to link a page from facebook, where if somebody creates a post I should be able to show here in my interactions and if conversation needs a reply I should be able to do so.

      Similar way for linked in, in a general way I want to implement a component which should be able to interaction with Social media which ever I want using their REST APis


      Thanks again

      • Madmortem's avatar

        The link above is leading to a customers only area. But you might try this link here to access the product information page of Lithium. You can find some information on Facebook and Twitter integration there.


