Forum Discussion

trixiejosie22's avatar
6 years ago

Lithium Response integration with LinkedIn REST v2 API connector

I am looking for more information on the capabilities and limitations of using the LinkedIn REST v2 API connector to pull in posts/comments from LinkedIn into Lithium Response, and respond with answers to those posts/comments. I am very, very new to understanding/working with API calls and response, so any further information would be helpful. 

Has anyone previously done something similar? If so, are you only able to pull in 1 LinkedIn account, or is there a way to connect multiple LinkedIn accounts and/or pages? 

What type of posts and comments can this connector pull in from LinkedIn? I am looking to pull in specific posts and comments across multiple LinkedIn accounts and pages. 

What does the process to respond look like? Is it similar to responding to Twitter and Facebook posts directly in Lithium Response, or do you have to click into the LinkedIn comment/post and directly respond there?

How will Lithium search these pages and accounts?

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