Forum Discussion

phani's avatar
9 years ago

Lithium SDK - Showing SDK image for all components and endpoints after submit



We have started using Lithium-SDK in our development. Thanks for Lithium for providing such a great feature. 


Could you please help us to solve following using Lithium-SDK


1. After our first submit (started with test component), we observed that SDK image is showing for all components and endpoints apart from test component. As per our understanding the image should show only to the components or endpoints which are created or updated using SDK?


2. When a component is created/updated in Studio, how can we pull into or update local SDK plugin repository using SDK command? 


Thanks & Regards,




  • SavyJ's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)

     Hi Phani,


    What other sdk commands did you run before submitting the plugin into Studio? Please attach the output of the li submit-plugin command you ran and also screenshot of STUDIO->VERSIONS tab. 


    For your next question, you can use li export-studio-plugin to download the Studio plugins into your SDK plugin folder. li export-studio-plugin also has option to download particular plugin(s) adding --points to the command. Please follow the documentation (running li command on the command prompt) to learn more.




    • phani's avatar

       Hi SavyJ,


      Folowing screenshot has the commands which i run in cmd.


      After 11 th command i have created a test component (.ftl) and placed inside res/components and excuted the 12th command. Plugin uploaded successfully but SDK image appeared for all components in studio?

      following is the version screenshot after 12th command.


      Regarding 2nd question:

      We are assuming that, we should use li export-studio-plugin command to export community's entire Studio plugin (or specific points) from stage server to SDK plugin for thr first . So can we use the same command to pull subsequent updates (code changes) performed in studio?


      Community URL:


      Thanks & Regards,




      • SavyJ's avatar
        Lithium Alumni (Retired)

        Exporting Studio plugin points running export-studio-plugin and submitting them back (with some additions like you added a test component) will show the sdk icon next to every Studio items that were earlier exported. 


        Yes, you can run export-studio-plugin to pull the latest from Studio but (as you may already know) the action will overwrite your local changes.


