Forum Discussion

afields's avatar
12 years ago

Login parameter of cookie being ignored.

I am using LithiumSSOCookie.writeLithiumCookie to write our cookie and then link to the community server.  When I link using a unique ID not previously registered in community, it dsiplays the registration page and asks for a login name even though I supplied a login name in the parameters for the cookie.  The name is alphanumeric starting with a letter and is 15 characters long.


I've displayed the encrypted cookie and the string is longer when I supply the name than when I don't, so believe the name is there.



  • It sounds like your community has been configured to require users to choose a screen name (login) on the community when their community account is first created.  If your community is configured this way, users will always be sent to this page until they choose a screen name, regardless of what you put for their login in the SSO Token you send over.


    You can have Lithium configure your site to not require users to choose a screen name when their community account is first created, but then you will be responsible for sending the correct user screen name (login) over each time you send an SSO Token over (if you send a different screen name over for an existing user then Lithium will update that user's screen name) and for making sure that the same screen name is not used by more than 1 user (If you have your site configured to send the screen name over, then Lithium will not block SSO authentication if another user in the community already has the same screen name -- it is assumed that your are handeling the duplicate-screen-name-prevention on your side, before sending over the SSO token).

  • Let me make sure I understand what you are asking -- do you want the screen name to be set from the login value in the SSO token the first time they come to the community with an SSO token (so when their user account is first created), but then never set from the SSO token after that?


    As far as I know, there is not currently a way to the above -- either the login always comes from the SSO Token (for both create and update of a user's account), or it is chosen when they first go to the community and then they can update it themselves by editing their community profile (via the "my settings" page).

3 Replies

  • DougS's avatar
    Khoros Oracle
    12 years ago

    It sounds like your community has been configured to require users to choose a screen name (login) on the community when their community account is first created.  If your community is configured this way, users will always be sent to this page until they choose a screen name, regardless of what you put for their login in the SSO Token you send over.


    You can have Lithium configure your site to not require users to choose a screen name when their community account is first created, but then you will be responsible for sending the correct user screen name (login) over each time you send an SSO Token over (if you send a different screen name over for an existing user then Lithium will update that user's screen name) and for making sure that the same screen name is not used by more than 1 user (If you have your site configured to send the screen name over, then Lithium will not block SSO authentication if another user in the community already has the same screen name -- it is assumed that your are handeling the duplicate-screen-name-prevention on your side, before sending over the SSO token).

  • afields's avatar
    12 years ago
    Thanks for the reply. Is there any way to set it up so that the community will only use the supplied screen name if the user is not registered? We would not want to overwrite an existing name if there already is one.
  • DougS's avatar
    Khoros Oracle
    12 years ago

    Let me make sure I understand what you are asking -- do you want the screen name to be set from the login value in the SSO token the first time they come to the community with an SSO token (so when their user account is first created), but then never set from the SSO token after that?


    As far as I know, there is not currently a way to the above -- either the login always comes from the SSO Token (for both create and update of a user's account), or it is chosen when they first go to the community and then they can update it themselves by editing their community profile (via the "my settings" page).