Forum Discussion

Inactive User's avatar
Inactive User
3 years ago

Make extraction of questions asked by customers easy

Hi everyone,

We are working on a bot and would like to have the possibility of carrying our targeted computer extraction on the questions asked by our app users.

We do only have the possibility to go for un CSV document which is not that relevant for us. Would that be possible to developp a kind of special loading question tag?

Y faithfully,


  • If I understand you correctly you are looking to programmatically extract all / the latest topic messages that were posted on your Khoros community. I think the best approach is a LiQL search on the message collection with the "depth=0" constraint to only get top level messages. So something like:

    SELECT subject, body FROM messages WHERE depth=0

    You would probably want to add post_time constraints to not always pull all topic messages, but only those from a specific time window, like last 7 days.

    See the documentation here:

    Let me know if I understood it right or you are looking for something different.