Forum Discussion

leogomes's avatar
9 years ago

Masonry Message List - Number of columns

Hello, I'm trying to use the standard Masonry Message List component, which by default comes with 4 columns.       I did a search and didn't found information on how to change to 3 col...
  • RaphaelB's avatar
    9 years ago

    Answering on behalf of vg


    Apparently, this lia-deckgrid angular component is taking the configuration via CSS.
    Therefore, even though the following CSS means absolutely nothing - it's basically injecting into the HTML source some text which is anyway hidden - it serves as a sort of parameter to set the number of columns at different breakpoints.



    /* Lithium: angular deckgrid from 4 to 3 columns */

    @include media(desktop) {

        .lia-deckgrid[deckgrid]::before {

            content: "3 .column.column-1-3";




    Hope this helps !