Forum Discussion

Quelyn's avatar
10 years ago

"max-width" inside tables not working Firefox

So, there's the following CSS in the native layout of Lithium:  /****** image and video content */ #lia-body .lia-content .lia-message-body img, body.mceContentBody img, body.mce-content-body img...
  • Tim_h's avatar
    10 years ago

    The CSS spec doesnt seem to like that possibility Quelyn.

    If the containing block's width depends on this element's width, then the resulting
    > layout is undefined in CSS 2.1. 

    Firefox is the only browser behaving as intended by the spec.

    See discussion here:


    I believe that max width only behaves as expected if all elements in the chain have a width.

    IE every parent object up to body needs to have a width defined for CSS to calculate the max-width correctly.