Forum Discussion

Wendy_S's avatar
7 years ago

Me too - enable analytics

Hi All.

We're looking to pilot Me Too functionality on the topic starter conversation. But, I know Me Too Reporting is limited (read: no existing) and we're looking to be creative about this and see if we can still get out some meaningful insights.


Is there anyone who has customized reporting for me too and how?
Is there anyone who would know if the Me Too Button can be tagged by adobe analytics and pull out reporting based on that.

The requirement is basically to be able to see the top conversations that get Me Too'd.



4 Replies

  • Hi Wendy_S -

    Our community's not using the "Me Too" feature, so I can't speak to whether or not these reports are actually useful - but I just found the "Me Too" section of the old-school admin reports - see screenshot. I found this under Admin > Metrics > Metrics.

    Helpful? You've probably already seen this and determined that it's not useful, but I thought it worth making sure!



  • Wendy_S

    We have used adobe analytics to track features like kudos, reply, search, comments, post topic etc. and Yes we can track "me too" feature with adobe analytics.

  • Wendy_S's avatar
    7 years ago

    CarolineS Yes, I have seen those metrics but unfortunately these are too high level. Thanks for mentioning it anyway :smileyhappy: