Forum Discussion

softech's avatar
10 months ago

message id question

I have a question about message id


I always 2 integer ids in my URL, eg:


the 2 numbers i have question is the 1204122 and 832222

I know on messages table, the ide is 1204122, so I can use 

select * from messages where id is 12041122

I know sometimes I see that number being call Thread id as well

but how about the 832222 ?

I see it referred as "message-id" in some url, too.  For example:


so, where this 832222 id actually stored?  which table? 




5 Replies

  • One should be a topic/thread(root message) id. And second one should be the
    message/reply(child messages) id.
    Both ids are stored in message table.
  • softech's avatar
    10 months ago

    HI VikasB 

    no, from what I see, the messages table has only one of the 2 numbers, just the 1204122 in my example above


    the other number 832222 is a different sequence, it is not in the messages table, not sure where it stored

  • softech As VikasB mentioined the second one 832222 is the reply id since the replies are high the count will be different


    Kindly check this in the reply table

    If my post is helpful and answers your question, please give "Kudos" and "Accept it as a Solution."

    Thanks & Regards,
    Abhishek Illindra

  • softech's avatar
    10 months ago

    thanks AbhishekIlindra 

    no, it is a different set of number.  I tried to query  832222 from the messages table and it is a completely different messgaes


    I am very certain they are different sets, just cannot find which table keep that second set of number

  • There are different "id"'s with Khoros, the anchor/hash M<id> is something like a "topic-internal" id, it's not really useful for API requests, these messages have their own uniqueId though, but it's not reflected in the URL hash which is primarily there to jump to a message within a conversation...

    The best way to illustrate (I guess) is to check the options menu "permalink" URL for replies, there you'll see the actual reply message uniqueId.