Forum Discussion

BradR's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
11 years ago

Messages changed call



I just noticed a call that wasn’t there before:




Am I correct in assuming that this returns all the messages that had any changes to any data including metadata? So if the metadata is changed but nothing else is done to the message, the message would show up in this call?


What about views? Can this be used to list all forum/tkb posts that got viewed over a time period?


Could something be made to do the same for users?

  • Hey Brad,

    Your first assumption is correct. Metadata changes should trigger an extended property change event which means you can look it up with the call.

    As far as views, I believe it should show up, but I couldn't find the code that did this, so I can't tell you for sure. Note that you won't be able to tell exactly what property changed.

    Something like this can be done for users, but it doesn't exist currently.

    Hope this helps,

  • YuriK's avatar
    Khoros Expert
    Hey Brad,

    Your first assumption is correct. Metadata changes should trigger an extended property change event which means you can look it up with the call.

    As far as views, I believe it should show up, but I couldn't find the code that did this, so I can't tell you for sure. Note that you won't be able to tell exactly what property changed.

    Something like this can be done for users, but it doesn't exist currently.

    Hope this helps,

  • Hi Brad,

    Can you share the complete URL link for this call? Is it part of the REST API or something available for internal use only.

    This can be a useful call in the future projects for me.

    Thanks in advance.

    • YuriK's avatar
      Khoros Expert

      Hey Premkumar,


      the complete URL is /restapi/vc/messages/with/properties/changed/extended/from/<from_time>/to/<to_time>. Times should be passed in as Unix timestamp.


      BradR Looks like this currently isn't documented in our Rest API documentation. SuzieH JeffY we should add this call to the documentation for next release.


      Thank you,




    • BradR's avatar
      Khoros Alumni (Retired)

      YuriK is this call documented anyplace? It came to me through a third-party, but I can't seem to locate the documentation here in the Lithosphere...