Forum Discussion

VarunLuthra's avatar
11 years ago

Mismatch in view_friendly_time and the post_time in API result

I am working on a customization wherein we are parsing the time to be displayed in a friendly manner, i.e. 2h ago, 3w ago etc. I know there is already a way of doing it by using ?restapi.response_style=view and then reading the view_friendly_date attribute as in below example:


<response status="success">
<value type="date_time" view_date="06-20-2014" view_time="03:37 AM" view_friendly_date="12 hours ago">2014-06-19T22:07:33+00:00</value>


but our client has a requirement of showing ‘h’ instead of ‘hours’ and ‘w’ instead of ‘weeks’ etc., so I made a function which is working fine, but when I compared it to what Lithium API is returning, the results are different. Below is my code which I changed so that you can run on your instance just to test.


First line is hard coded to use the time returned in above response.

Second line is the current time



<#assign time = "2014-06-19T22:07:33+00:00">
<#assign timeNow = "2014-06-20T16:07:33+00:00">
<#assign postTimeObject = time?datetime("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss") />
<#assign postTimeObjectNow = timeNow?datetime("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss") />
<#assign postTimeString = relativeTime(postTimeObject ) />
<#assign current_time = postTimeObjectNow?long>
<#assign timeNew = postTimeObject?long>

Posted Date - ${postTimeObject}<br><br>
----Converting to 'long' starts----<br>
 Long posted - ${timeNew}<br>
 Long current - ${current_time }<br>
----Converting to 'long' ends ----<br><br>
<b>Friendly Output - ${postTimeString}</b><br>

<#function relativeTime time>
    <#-- this is working in ms, so bear in mind the extra 000 -->

    <#assign current_time = postTimeObjectNow?long>

    <#assign action_time = time?long>
    <#assign diff = current_time - action_time>

    <#if diff == 0>
        <#return 'now'>
    <#elseif (diff > 0)>
        <#assign day_diff = diff / 86400000>
        <#assign day_diff = day_diff?floor>
here ${day_diff}
        <#if (day_diff == 0)>
            <#if (diff < 60000)>
                <#return 'just now'>
            <#if (diff < 120000)>
                <#return '1m ago'>
            <#if (diff < 3600000)>
                <#assign sixty_min = diff / 60000>
                <#return sixty_min?floor + 'm ago'>
            <#if (diff < 7200000)>
                <#return '1h ago'>
            <#if (diff < 86400000)>
                <#assign hours = diff / 3600000>

                <#return hours?floor + 'h ago'>
        <#if (day_diff == 1)>
		here 1 ${day_diff}
            <#return 'Yesterday'>
        <#if (day_diff < 7)>
		here2 ${day_diff}
            <#return day_diff + 'd ago'>

        <#if (day_diff < 31)>
		here 3 ${day_diff}
            <#assign weeks = (day_diff / 7)?ceiling>
            <#if (weeks == 1)>
                <#return 'Last week.'>
            <#return weeks + 'w ago'>
        <#if (day_diff < 60)>
            <#return 'last month'>
    <#return time?string("MM-dd-yy")>



At the time of posting this query, the output is:


Posted Date - 19-Jun-2014 22:07:33

----Converting to 'long' starts----
Long posted - 1,403,240,853,000
Long current - 1,403,305,653,000
----Converting to 'long' ends ----

Friendly Output - 18h ago 


But the restapi is returning 12 hours ago? any mistake in my code or is it an issue with the API?


Sorry for such a long post.

5 Replies

  • HaidongG's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    Hi VarunLuthra ,


    you need not to read any freemarker code, but just update the text format string, for example


    friendly_dates.format.under_day = %h% 'hours ago'


    I hope that it helps

  • HaidongG's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    Hi VarunLuthra ,


    sure. go to Studio -> Text Editor -> Search for "hours ago", and reaplce/update the string 


    friendly_dates.format.under_day = %h% 'hours ago'




    friendly_dates.format.under_day = %h% 'h ago'

  • VarunLuthra's avatar
    11 years ago

    HaidongG - Thanks, this is a good workaround, but the problem with this is, using friendly_dates.format.under_day    = %h% 'h ago' the Output is 14 h ago, but i want it 14h ago, i.e. without a space b/w 14 and h,


    If I use, friendly_dates.format.under_day  = %h%'h ago' 


    Output - 14'h ago


    If I use, friendly_dates.format.under_day  = %h% h ago


    It doesn't print anything, any suggestions how can I encounter this?

  • HaidongG's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    emmm, VarunLuthra ,


    may you try

  '%h%h ago'

