Forum Discussion

memerylane's avatar
14 years ago

More on Colors: Customizing the Mobile Interface

I'm just going to keep coming with questions on mobile until you gurus get tired of answering them :smileyhappy:


As we continue to approach our launch, I'm looking to customize the mobile interface a bit so that our branding is stronger and the visual presentation is sleeker.


Attached is a snapshot from my iPhone of the community. I'm interested in the CSS that would allow me to customize the colors on following components/areas independently:


  • The background at the top (currently red); I know that this is the foreground, but I don't like that it affects some of the other colors
  • The red "Forums" text toward the top
  • Blue color behind the "Forums" text
  • The red "Launch Q&A" text
  • Blue color behind this text (I think this is Primary 1?)
  • The red "Up" text
  • The blue arrow's color behind that

I guess what I'm also getting at is that I don't know which colors affect which areas on the Mobile interface. I'd love to see a comprehensive document on skin color settings like you have for the desktop interface.

Finally, would it be possible to have our logo instead of just the text at the top of the page? That would fit our needs the best from a branding perspective.



ADA Mobile Community.PNG