Forum Discussion

JordanKerr's avatar
12 years ago

Most popular searches widget

Hi there,


I'm looking for some widget code for Lithium I can embed in our website that looks a bit like a tag/word cloud. I was hoping to get most popular articles in the knowledge base.


    • LainieH's avatar

      nathan, I was looking for some code and happened to notice this article and looked at the GiffGaff community site. It looks great!

      I am curious how you were able to create a calendar with a popup event window..


      If you can share anything, that would be wonderful.


      Best regards,



      • nathan's avatar

        Hi Loainie,


        Sorry for the ridiculously late reply.


        As luk correctly guessed, it was a custom widget that use JavaScript to call the Google calendar API and show events in a little calendar view. There is a Google calendar that stores the events, which can be viewed publically but only changed by someone with access to the appropriate Google account.


        The widget was something we wrote from scratch, but the Google API is well documented, so it's not too hard to do.


        Hope that helps :manhappy:

