Forum Discussion

tripp-bishop's avatar
12 years ago

Multiple Image uploads + client side cropping

Hi guys,


We'd like to create an interface for allowing a user to upload multiple images to an album in one go, and I'm wondering if there's an out of the box component that would allow for that. Also, is there a way to support user defined cropping via a custom interface? I know that users can drop images for avatars and the like, but is there a more generalized image manipulation package that we could tap into?





  • DougS's avatar
    Khoros Oracle

    Unfortunately, the only out-of-the-box component we have for uploading images only allows you to upload 1 image at-a-time.  There is no generalized image cropping mechanism available to hook into either. :(  Boo!  That's 2 strikes.  


    These are definitely things we should add into the core product at some point.  I hate to give you the "log an idea" line, but I'm gonna -- but at least I did a search first and found an existing idea (for bulk image-upload) that you can up vote (I even added a kudo myself):



    The original avatar image-cropping logic was actually an idea that we implemented:



    There is no idea around adding a way to hook into the image cropping logic that we added for avatars for other images, so please add one if you'd like (post it here and I'll give it a kudo).

    • We're working on a solution right now that uses the plupload library. It seems to be working quite nicely so far. It would be great to be able to use something like JCrop to pass cropping coodinates to the back end to crop photos. Just a thought for the future I guess. Thanks for your reply.



