Forum Discussion

cblown's avatar
10 years ago

Multiple Skins / Theme Questions

A long long time ago we were working on a Lithium Community that used multiple skins. At the time we noted a behaviour where the skin was "sticky" meaning that if you navigate to a page such as Leaderboards, Profile page etc the skin followed you around. Only once you navigated to the Home page or the specific node for that skin it switched themes around. We know this was the case because it was noted as a caveats in our original SOW. We've noted this is no longer the case and the "other" skin only applies when you are under the specific node its applied to.  Is this behaviour still a setting? Any idea if page initialisation can override the skin? 


Next question on this, what are peoples experiences using rank icons and badges across Communities with multiple skins? If we wanted to award badges specific to that skin what are our options?


peterlu zhurst

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