Forum Discussion

dkytasaari's avatar
8 years ago

Need custom component to display user's location in Profile Hero

I want to display a user's location in the Profile Hero.  I don't see where there is a stock component to display this information, which means I need to create a custom component.  I cannot find an example of anything here, or in the KB that would be a good example to work from.  I suspect I need something like this:


<#assign userLOC=rest( "2.0", "/search?q=" + "SELECT location from users where id = (ID NUM of PROFILE I AM VIEWING)  />

What do I need to finish that WHERE clause?  Can anyone point me to a repository of examples?




  • VikasB's avatar
    8 years ago

    Hi dkytasaari  You are missing ending quote(") in your query.

    Here is updated one

    <#assign userLOC= rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT login from users where id='${}'"?url).data.items[0] />

    Also, I do not think so there is any location field in API.  


  • dkytasaari-


     ${} is a context object which will return you the id of user profile you will be viewing. 


    <#assign userLOC=rest( "2.0", "/search?q=" + "SELECT location from users where id = '${}').data.items[0]  />



     Also, you can check if ${userLOC} is blank or not by adding if else condition.

    • dkytasaari's avatar



      i've tried this:


      <#assign userLOC=rest( "2.0", "/search?q=" + "SELECT location from users where id = '${}').data.items[0] />

      The Preview parser throws an error, I cannot resolve:

      Freemarker template 'preview' parsing failed:
      ParseException:Syntax error in template "preview" in line 6, column 0:
      Lexical error: encountered <EOF> after "\"SELECT location from users where id = \'${}\').data.items[0] />\n\n<div>\n    ${userLOC.location}\n</div>\n".

      Line 6 is the blank line at the bottom.  If I remove line 6, then the error moves to end of line 5.  Something is wrong, but I don't have enough experience yet to know the ins and outs of Freemarker syntax.  Is there something obvious here I am overlooking?


      It also seems odd that there is a quote before the SELECT, but there isn't a closing quote for the statement.  I tried inserting one in a couple of different places, but that just gave different types of error message, none of which were any clearer.

      • VikasB's avatar

        Hi dkytasaari  You are missing ending quote(") in your query.

        Here is updated one

        <#assign userLOC= rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT login from users where id='${}'"?url).data.items[0] />

        Also, I do not think so there is any location field in API.